
Global Labour University Online Academy: New Online Course

The Global Labour University (GLU) Online Academy is launching a new online course on global supply chains.

‘Towards Decent Work in Global Supply Chains’ will be launched on 14th November and will run in a tutored phase until 18 December 2019.

The course will question:
  • Which factors and actors have influenced the emergence of global supply chains?
  • What are the root causes of the violations of workers’ rights in global supply chains?
  • What politics and strategies are needed to ensure work with dignity?

The course will give an overview of the main drivers of the global supply chains as well as the impact of supply chains on development. Participants will be exposed to  the main issues regarding working conditions and workers’ rights in global supply chains. It will help also give an understanding of the governance framework, regulatory measures aimed at improving working conditions and workers’ rights and labour’s strategies to ensure decent work.

The course will be structured around four chapters:

  1. Global supply chains: Main drivers and the impact on development
  2. Working conditions and workers’ rights in GSCs: Main decent work deficits
  3. Regulatory framework for respecting workers’ rights in GSCs
  4. Labour strategies for decent work in GSCs

The course will feature Manuela Tomei of the ILO, Catelene Passchier of the ILO Workers’ Group, Sharan Burrow of the ITUC and leading academics from different fields, such as Praveen Jha, Mark Anner, Markus Krajewski, Mike Fichter and Stefanie Lorenzen.

You can enrol for the course here.

The GLU Academy website aims to be a “virtual campus” for debating ideas for social justice and a fairer globalization. It offers an opportunity for trade unionists to learn with and from each other in a global network, combining theory with practical skills for collaboration and action.


TUED to Host Global Unions to Discuss Public Ownership and the Green New Deal

On 28th September 2019, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) will be hosting union representatives and allies from around the world and across the United States in New York during “Climate Week” for a one-day international conference on ‘The Green New Deal, Net-Zero Carbon, and The Crucial Role of Public Ownership.

TUED pic 1

The international conference will bring together 40 labour unions, alongside key allies to work towards a comprehensive reclaiming of energy systems to public ownership and democratic control, and to reform and “de-marketize” existing public energy companies, in order to reverse current energy consumption and emission trends. The full programme is available here.

The event will follow a strategy meeting of union representatives hosted by TUED in New York City on September 26th and 27th.

The event will be live streamed on the Murphy Institute Facebook page at


Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector trade union initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections. TUED is the signature project of the International Program for Labor, Climate & Environment at the Murphy Institute, City University of New York and is part of the Global Labour Institute Network.






Global Climate Strike

Young people have been mobilising for global climate action. They have been organising demonstrations around the world, demanding action from governments under the banner ‘Youth Strike 4 Climate.’ 

On 20th September 2019, young people all over the world called on adults to join them as part of a global day of action for the climate – three days before the UN emergency climate summit being held in New York.

Together young and old climate activists, trade unionists and workers came together to support the Global Climate Strike. Led by schoolchildren, they took to the streets in hundreds of cities around the world in a historic protest of the global inaction around climate change.

Over 2,500 events were organised across 163 countries on all seven continents. It is estimated that over 4 million people participated in the strikes worldwide.

Fellow trade unionists across the world spoke out in support of the  Global Climate Strike. Trade Unions for Energy Democracy have gathered together statements of union support and actions in support of the youth-led calls for Global Climate Action.

See pictures from the Manchester Climate Strike below.



GLI Paris – ReAct: 2019 GLI University

The Global Labor Institute Paris is organizing, with the support of ReAct and the Foundation for Human Progress, its second International Inter-Trade Union School.

For three days, more than 100 trade union representatives, researchers and activists from civil society are invited to engage in a collective reflection on the theme

Trade unionism and citizen mobilizations: how to decompartmentalize the struggles?

This meeting aims to provide a friendly environment for sharing stories of innovative trade union experiences, tools and practices implemented in different countries.

The event will take place on 7, 8 and 9 October 2019 at the Bergerie de Villarceaux in Ile-de-France.



TUED Meeting: Energy Transition and Economy-Wide Decarbonisation

Picture1On July 9-10, 2019, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) unions and allies in the UK came together in Manchester for a two-day working meeting. Titled Energy Transition and Economy-Wide Decarbonisation, the TUED meeting carried forward recent discussions on how unions and close allies can work with the Labour Party to shape its commitments on extending public control over the power sector, and the Party’s strategy for decarbonisation. The event built on discussions at the previous year’s TUED meeting in Sheffield, England.

Participants included representatives from 15 UK trade union bodies, Labour Party staff and advisors working around energy, transport, and community organizing, and more than 20 close allies from research, policy advocacy and campaigning organizations in the UK and beyond. The full program is available here, and the list of attendees is here.

Read about the meeting here.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector trade union initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections. TUED is the signature project of the International Program for Labor, Climate & Environment at the Murphy Institute, City University of New York and is part of the Global Labour Institute Network.



A Discussion for Activists – Climate Emergency, Energy Democracy and the Labour Movement

Labour movement activists are invited to participate in an open discussion on Climate Emergency, Energy Democracy and the Labour Movement in the evening of 10th July 2019, at the Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6DD. Free Admission.

This discussion will follow a meeting between UK labour movement representatives and international allies in Manchester on 9-10 July to discuss climate emergency, public control over the power sector and the Labour Party strategy for decarbonisation.

This meeting is being organised by Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (GLI New York) and the Global Labour Institute (GLI Manchester), with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.

Invited participants include

  • Sean Sweeney, Director of Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, New York
  • Rebecca Long-Bailey MP
  • John Mark Mwanika, Programs Officer at ATGWU, Uganda, and Chair of the Urban Transport Committee of the International Transport Workers Federation
  • Stephen Smellie, UNISON Scotland
  • Jim Mowatt, UNITE National Environment Spokesperson
  • Clara Pallard, President, Culture Group Executive Committee, PCS
  • Nessim Achouche, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels

ITF Nairobi Bus Rapid Transit Report


GLI Manchester is pleased to announce that the Nairobi Bus Rapid Transit Report is now available to view and download.

This report of research has been commissioned for GLI Manchester by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) as a contribution to the ITF Our Public Transport (OPT) programme.

This report assesses the potential impact of the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit on the workforce of Nairobi’s informal transport (‘matatu’) industry, and seeks to encourage the active engagement of matatu workers’ representatives in shaping a modern, accessible, efficient and environmentally sustainable transport system for the city.


Joe Holly

Joe Holly, co-founder and co-Director of GLI Manchester, passed away on 28 November 2018 after a long illness with motor neuron disease. Joe was a life-long socialist, trade unionist and internationalist, dedicated to the international workers’ education and labour movement. He will be sorely missed by friends and comrades throughout the world.

Dave Spooner


Global Labour University Online Academy


The new Global Labour University Online Academy website is now online at:

The GLU Academy website shows all available GLU Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at one glance, including the new course on “Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy” which will start in October 2017.

The GLU Academy website aims to be a “virtual campus” for debating ideas for social justice and a fairer globalization. It offers an opportunity for trade unionists to learn with and from each other in a global network, combining theory with practical skills for collaboration and action.

It is coordinated by the Bureau for Workers’ Activities at the ILO and the Global Labour University.


GLI International Summer School to take a break in 2017

GLI International Summer School 2017 GLI International Summer School 2016

After five years of successful annual GLI International Summer Schools, the GLI Network has decided to take a break in 2017.

All being well and with the continuing support of participating unions and federations, the Summer School will return in 2018 with a refreshed programme addressing the intensified challenges facing the international trade union movement.

We’d like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who have supported and participated in the GLI Summer School project so far.

Don’t forget that you can access resources from all of our previous Summer Schools at our online archives here:

International Summer School 2016

International Summer School 2015

International Summer School 2014

International Summer School 2013

International Summer School 2012