News and events

2013 International Summer School – “The Political Agenda of the International Trade Union Movement”

The draft programme for the GLI 2013 International Summer School is now available to download here. GLI welcomes all comments and suggestions on the draft programme, and interested participants should submit these to gli-uk@  A brochure is also available for circulation within the Trade Union movement and affiliated organisations.

All non-UK participants in the GLI 2013 International Summer School are invited to the Durham Miners’ Gala, taking place in the city of Durham, over the weekend immediately after the summer school.

If your Trade Union or organisation wishes to participate in the ISS 2013, please do contact us at gli-uk@ As places at this years International Summer School are limited and allocated through participating unions, we suggest that individuals interested in a place at the Summer School get in touch with their trade union. Young activists are particularly encouraged to attend.  

The second GLI International Summer School – the event to debate and question what are, and what should be, the politics of the international trade union movement.

8-12 July 2013, Northern College, UK

ISS2012(1)The Big Picture – The New Capitalism

Financialisation, the banks and the state.   

Global Unions – Global Politics

What are the political challenges facing the international trade 


union movement?

The Politics of Organising 

New trends in trade unionism; the future workforce; politics, organisation and education.


Our Common Purpose

 Do we share the same perception of the world?



Trade unionists throughout the world are organising and fighting hard to defend workers’ livelihoods and rights against unprecedented attack from financial markets, corporations and governments, in the context of economic, ecological and political crisis. There are some causes for optimism: a new international agenda for strong industrial organisation, evidence of increasing corporate vulnerability to well-organised and targeted campaigns, and a new generation of activists emerging from unions and movements for democracy and climate justice.

Yet there is a political vacuum. Union members want an international political alternative to neo-liberalism and corporate capitalism, but little emerges beyond rhetoric. Many of the formal institutions of the international labour movement have retreated into a bland, lowest common denominator of politics, shy of even basic principles of social democracy, let alone any mention of democratic socialism. But this is precisely the time when radical political solutions – and a new sense of political direction for the international trade union movement – are needed.


Up to 90 participants – delegations from national unions and global union federations, invited trade union activists, labour movement researchers and educators. Invited participants and discussion leaders include:

Sharan Burrow, International Trade Union Confederation; Alana Dave, International Transportworkers Federation (ITF); Plamen Dimitrov, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (KNSB); Jennie Formby, Unite the Union, UK; Dan Gallin, Global Labour Institute, Switzerland; Susan George, Transnational Institute, Netherlands; Leonard Gentle, International Labour Research & Information Group (ILRIG), South Africa; Cedric Gina, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA); Sam Gindin, Socialist Project, Canada; Károly György, National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ); David Hall, Public Services International Research Institute; Peter Hall-Jones, New Unionism, New Zealand; Han Dongfang, China Labour Bulletin, Hong Kong; Gary Herman, National Union of Journalists, UK; Tony Higgins, FIFPro; Vicky Kanyoka, International Domestic Workers’ Network, Tanzania; Boris Kravchenko, All-Russia Confederation of Labour (VKT), Lefteris Kretsos, University of Greenwich, UK; Khalid Mahmood, Labour Education Foundation, Pakistan; Nasir Mansoor, National Trade Union Federation, Pakistan; Josua Mata, Alliance of Progressive Labor, Philippines; Roger McKenzie, Unison, UK; Jim Mowatt, Unite the Union, UK; Nalini Nayak,  SEWA, India; Ann Orjebu, Industri Energi, Norway; Rosa Pavanelli, Public Services International (PSI); Vasco Pedrina, Unia, Switzerland; Krastyo Petkov, GLI Bulgaria; Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers’ Alliance, USA; Fátima Aquado Queipo, Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO), Spain; Peter Rossman, International Union of Foodworkers (IUF); Ashim Roy, New Trade Union Initiative, India; Dave Spooner, Global Labour Institute, UK; Lara Skinner, Global Labor Institute, USA; Elizabeth Tang, International Domestic Workers’ Network; Bala Tampoe, Ceylon Mercantile Union, Sri Lanka; Liv Torres, Peoples Aid, Norway


Northern College                                                                  NorthernCollege
Wentworth Castle, Stainborough
South Yorkshire
S75 3ET
Phone: 01226 776000


There is no fee, and food and accommodation are provided free of charge, although unions are encouraged make a financial contribution. Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.


Global Labour Institute (GLI Network Ltd),

Room 541, Royal Exchange, Manchester, M2 7EN, UK

Phone: +44 161 835 9103

Further details from


Further details on registration, travel and visas from annie.hopley@


Please note that regrettably the Summer School will be in English only

News and events

2013 GLI International Summer School – Advanced Notice

GLI is pleased to announce that the second International Summer School will be held on 8-12 July 2013, at Northern College in England.

There will be a strict limit to the number of places available. If interested in participating, contact gli-uk@

Watch this space for details of speakers, programme, and participating unions.

News and events

Global Labour University – ENGAGE programme on globalization

The Global Labour University invites trade unionist to apply for its ENGAGE programme

The  six month program is discussing the challenges of labour policies and globalization. It is particular focusing  on wage policies, international labour standards, corporate campaigns and strategic corporate research. The course consists of a three month university program and 10 weeks practical implementation phase to develop practical policy initiatives. It offers trade unionists  an opportunity to engage with an international group of students and get new insights in trade union strategies to meet the challenges of globalization.

The course starts at the 15th of May 2013. The deadline for applications is the 15th of December. For details and application form see

A number of scholarships are offered by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

News and events

Hard copies of the GLI 2012 Summer School report: “The Political Agenda of the International Trade Union Movement”

Hard copies of “The Political Agenda of the International Trade Union Movement” report from the Global Labour Institute 2012 International Summer School can be ordered from the web. GLI accepts no responsibility for the print quality, delivery time etc. Your feedback would be much appreciated if you order prints from If we get good feedback, we may use issuu and peecho for future GLI publishing. Tell us what you think.

News and events

2012 GLI Summer School Report: “The Political Agenda of the International Trade Union Movement”

GLI is delighted to publish “The Political Agenda of the International Trade Union Movement” – the report of the International Summer School held in July 2012. The report was compiled by  Romain Felli, Lucy Hopley, Josiah Mortimer, Frederick Pitts and Sean Sayer, and edited by Celia Mather.

Please go to:

A PDF  file of the report is available from the issuu site, or by email – please contact gli-uk@


News and events

Moscow Labour Movement Conference on Authoritarianism Nov 3-4 2012

“Labour movement and left-wing forces against authoritarianism and totalitarianism: our past, present and perspectives for future”

November 3-4, 2012, Moscow

The conference will be organized at the initiative of Confederation of Labour of Russia (KTR), Scientific, Information, and Education Centre “Memorial” and Global Labour Institute (GLI), with the participation of the Research and Education Centre “Praxis”, the permanent workshop “The Left in Russia: Past and Present” and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

The aim of the Conference, which marks the 50-th anniversary of the workers’ protest action in the town of Novocherkassk, is to discuss the historic experience, the modern day challenges, and the prospects of the struggle led by free trade unions and other worker associations, as well as the democratic left-wing forces against human rights violations, for political freedom and public self-governance.

For further details, see leaflet (English) (Russian) or contact

News and events

Critical Labour Studies: 9th Symposium, 2-3 March 2013 UK

Critical Labour Studies is holding its 9th Symposium, at Ruskin College, Oxford – Date: 2-3 March 2013

Call for papers and sessions

In 2013 CLS celebrates its 10-year anniversary. This coincides with the major historic move for Ruskin College from its historical base in central Oxford to a single-site at its Headington campus. So, CLS 2013 will be held at Ruskin to celebrate the achievements of two organisations pivotal to stimulating debate and discussion amongst peers across labour movements in the UK and globally. In further recognition of the location of CLS next year we seek to encourage contributions/participants who can bring a labour education dimension.

Details on


News and events

ILO Study Visit for UK trade unionists to be relaunched in 2013

GLI is reviving the annual study visit by young British trade unionists to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva.  The study visit is scheduled to occur in May 2013.  The ILO Study Visit was run by the WEA from the 1930s to the mid-2000s.  GLI is responding to the belief of many past participants that the ILO Study Visit was a positive formative experience in their trade union and political education.

The Study Visit will offer an opportunity for a mixed trade union delegation to visit the ILO and explore and understand the work to develop and secure workers’ rights around the world.  There will also be opportunities to see at first hand the work of the Global Union Federations and discuss the fight for workers’ rights from their perspective.  The programme for Study Visit will be broadly similar to the original but will have a strong ‘Organising Globally’ element as well as sessions based around developing practical strategies for defending and extending workers’ rights.   For further details of what is involved and how to participate, please contact Joe Holly at joe.holly@

News and events

New WIEGO Handbook on Organising in the Informal Economy

Just published online by WIEGO:

 The Only School We Have: Learning from Organizing Experiences Across the Informal Economy

Compiled and edited by Christine Bonner and Dave Spooner.

group of women learningThis handbook is a resource for those organizing informal workers in any sector, though it is based on the organizing experiences in (mainly) four groups: domestic workers, home-based workers, street/market vendors and waste pickers. It draws on the themes, ideas and information generated at a WIEGO Organizing Workshop, together with additional background materials, case studies and analysis.

News and events

A week as a rapporteur for the global trade union movement

Josiah Mortimer, one of the team of young GLI International Summer School rapporteurs, gives his impressions of the week.