News and events

New Article – Beyond traditional trade unionism: innovative worker responses in three African cities

Insufficient attention has been given to how workers organisations are challenging precarious and informal work through new hybrid forms of organising in the Global South.

Dave Spooner, Director of the GLI, has contributed to an article which examines how workers in three different African cities are innovating and experimenting with new forms of worker organisation. This includes traditional unions reaching out to precarious workers in Cape Town, hybrid forms of worker organizations in Kampala, and workers in the gig economy starting a process of self-organization in Johannesburg.

The examples reveal that if current trade union organizations are to meet the needs of informal workers and the new workers of the digital economy they will need to transform, rediscover their power and the capabilities necessary to realize this power.

This article can be purchased to read here.



News and events

The success of Dakar’s BRT system depends on the inclusion of informal workers

News and events

Job_Opportunity: Researcher/Organiser

The Global Labour Institute is looking to appoint a member of staff for research and education programmes with the international trade union movement. The contract will be for 12 months, potentially extendable.

Flexible working (minimum equivalent of three days per week) and location (worldwide).

Job Description

Main role

To support the planning and delivery of research and education programmes on the livelihoods, organisation and representation of informal workers, with particular reference to the informal transport industry, in partnership with the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), local and national trade unions, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), academic institutions and specialist transport agencies.

Main duties

To plan and deliver programmes of support to trade unions and associations of informal transport workers in the global South, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, through:

  • research and writing on livelihoods and the political economy of the informal passenger transport industry and trade union organisation strategies towards sustainable transport based on worker-led formalisation, decent work and inclusive planning
  • field research in partnership with local trade unions, informal workers’ associations, academic institutions and partner organisations
  • national and international workshops and training events for trade union and workers’ association representatives
  • reports, education materials and internet resources for trade union representatives, negotiators, educators and partner organisations

Person Specification


  • Broad understanding of the principles and objectives of the labour movement, and an appreciation of the political foundations of the GLI and its partner organisations
  • Interest in key issues of globalisation, climate change, just transition, gender equality, labour and human rights, international development and democracy
  • Research capability to a high academic standard
  • Experience of working with trade unions, workers’ associations, or community-based organisations in the global South
  • Ability to communicate complex ideas and information in plain English, both orally and in writing.
  • Strong organisational skills and capability to manage work efficiently, imaginatively and cooperatively as part of a small team
  • Competence in Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
  • Ability and willingness to undertake international travel (Covid restrictions permitting)


  • Non-English language skills, especially French
  • Knowledge of informal economy issues and policy debates
  • Experience of work with or for the transport industry
  • Master’s degree, equivalent experience or another post-graduate qualification
  • Project management skills and experience
  • Adult education or trade union education teaching experience

For more information, see the full job description and person specification here.

If you are interested, please send your CV and a covering letter (maximum 800 words) setting out your interest and suitability for the position to (by email only please).

Deadline for applications: 12:00 noon (UK time) Monday 1 March 2021

GLI is a not-for-profit independent organisation, based in the UK. It was formed in 2010 to work with the trade union movement to encourage and support international solidarity and organisation through education and research. It is underpinned by the principles of democratic socialism, equality and environmental justice, but is not party-political.
We specialise in research and education for trade union organisation among precarious and informal workers; research and education in the areas of gender and ‘just transition’; design, management and evaluation of international trade union capacity development and education programmes; and the history and political agenda of the international trade union movement.
News and events

Online Meeting: End Repression in Hong Kong

On 30 January, Labour Movement Solidarity with Hong Kong is holding an online meeting and rally to protest against the arrest of 53 pro-democracy lawmakers, organisers and trade unionists under China’s National Security Law and build global solidarity with our Hong Kong comrades’ struggle.

The arrests and wider wave of repression are nothing short of an attempt to intimidate any and all opposition into silence and submission.

They are an assault on both the right to democratic representation and on grassroots advocacy and organising.

Speakers Include:

  • Lee Cheuk-Yan, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions and former LegCo member
  • John McDonnell MP (Hayes and Harlington), former Shadow Chancellor
  • Clive Lewis MP
  • John Moloney, PCS civil service union Assistant General Secretary
  • Nadia Whittome MP (Nottingham East)
  • Julie Ward, former MEP for the North West

Register here.

News and events

TUED Bulletin 105: Defending Public Energy, French Energy Unions Build International Support

In recent weeks, French electricity and and gas workers have been striking in defense of the country’s publicly owned energy. These actions have been led by French energy union federations FNME-CGT, CFE-CGC Énergies, FO Energie et Mines and FCE-CFDT.

Over the holiday period, 33 union bodies from 20 countries and regions signed a statement of solidarity with the striking unions and workers.

The target of the strikes is a set of proposals being advanced by the French government. At the heart of these proposals is a plan to “restructure” the country’s major national power utility, EDF. According to the unions, the proposed changes would undermine EDF’s ability to continue to operate as an integrated public utility, would jeopardize energy security and jobs, and would be against the general public interest.

For additional background information, you can read the recent Letter from CGT EDF Directors (in French; English translation available here).

As a next step, the unions will hold a “Day of Action” on Tuesday, January 19th, in a continuing display of opposition to the government’s proposals. On Twitter, you can follow developments directly (in French) via @FNMECGT.

IndustriALL Global Union has also expressed solidarity with the striking workers as part of its ongoing reporting on this crucial struggle over many months.

TUED is encouraging unions to share news of this important ongoing struggle in the fight for climate protection and a sustainable future with their members and networks.
See more information here.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector trade union initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections. TUED is is part of the Global Labour Institute Network.
News and events

GLU Masters Call for Applications



The Global Labour University (GLU) – a network of trade unions, universities, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the ILO – invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply for its 2021 Masters Programme in the USA and in Germany.


2021 GLU Masters Programme in the USA

The Masters Programme in Professional Studies (MPS) in Labor and Global Workers’ Rights at Penn State in central Pennsylvania in the USA focuses on global workers’ rights, work and gender in the global economy, employment relations system around the world, and strategic corporate research and organizing campaigns.

Classes of this 12 month program will begin in August of 2021.

Trade unionists with a trade union recommendation letter can apply for scholarships.

For more information see here.

Application deadline: 15 March 2021



2021 GLU Masters Programme in Germany

The Masters Programme ‘Labour Policies & Globalisation’ in Germany focuses on policies for social justice including global governance, international labour standards,  economics, trade and multinational enterprises. This one-year programme is part of a wider project to promote cooperation between trade unions and the research community and to strengthen the analytical and policy development capacity of trade unions.

The course in Germany takes place at the University of Kassel (1st semester) and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (2nd semester) and is taught in English.

Trade unionists with a trade union recommendation letter can apply for scholarships.

For more information see here.

Application deadline: 1 March 2021


News and events

Informal Passenger Transport Beyond COVID-19: A Trade Union Guide to Worker-Led Formalisation


Covid-19 has already had a profound economic and health impact on the lives of millions of informal transport workers, and the crisis shows little sign of abating. As with all crises, it is the most vulnerable in the workforce who have been hit the hardest.

GLI Manchester was commissioned by the International Transportworkers’ Federation (ITF) as a contribution to the ITF’s Our Public Transport (OPT) programme to produce a guide to worker-led formalisation in informal passenger transport.

This guide aims to support unions in both responding to the immediate challenges posed by the pandemic and embarking on new campaigns to positively shape urban transport in the interests of workers, passengers and communities beyond the crisis.

Click here to read the guide.

News and events

Dakar Bus Rapid Transit Report

Dakar 1Dakar Bus Rapid Transit: Labour Impact Assessment Research Report

GLI Manchester is pleased to announce that the Dakar Bus Rapid Transit: Labour Impact Assessment Research Report is now available to view and download in both English and French.

Click here to read this report in English.

Click here to read this report in French.

This is the provisional report of research commissioned by the ITF and undertaken in partnership with the Laboratoire de Géographie Humaine at the University of Dakar (UCAD), and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO). It is a contribution to the ITF’s Our Public Transport (OPT) programme.

This project is the second BRT Labour Impact Assessment undertaken on behalf of the ITF. The first, completed in January 2019, was carried out in Nairobi by GLI in partnership with the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Nairobi. This report is available here.

News and events

Report Launch: Understanding Kampala’s Paratransit Market Structure

News and events

Global Trade Union Assembly: Pandemic & Beyond: Workers Organizing for a Public Future

Pandemic and Beyond: Workers Organizing for a Public Future

A Series of Virtual Meetings during July, August and September 2020

In response to the ongoing public health and economic crises, more than 30 trade union bodies from 18 countries have come together to convene a global assembly. Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) has been working with the convening unions to coordinate preparations for the Assembly.

Titled “Pandemic and Beyond: Workers Organizing for a Public Future,” the Assembly will take place as a series of 2-hour, virtual meetings during July, August and September 2020. The opening session will take place on July 9th. The final session will take place on September 10th. The full program is available on the Assembly website.

The aim of the Assembly is to further build North-South solidarity and deepen our analysis of the many impacts of COVID19, both immediate and longer term. The convening unions see the Assembly as a means to further promote bold, pro-public solutions that can help address the deep structural flaws in the current system.

The Assembly is open to all trade union members, activists and leaders, as well as movement allies. Please register here.

Sessions will be scheduled to accommodate as many time zones as possible (evening hours for the Asia-Pacific region; mid-afternoon for Europe and Africa; early morning in the Americas).
Interpretation will be available for English, Spanish and French; with accommodation for additional languages if possible, depending on registrations and resources.


Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector trade union initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections. TUED is is part of the Global Labour Institute Network.
For more information on how your union can be part of TUED, see here.