
TUED Bulletin 109: A Public Energy Response to the Climate Emergency: A New Labor Forum Global Roundtable

TUED Coordinator Sean Sweeney recently contributed to a Global Roundtable on national public energy responses to the climate emergency. A summary follows, with links to the print and podcast elements of the roundtable. The spring 2021 edition of New Labor Forum features three contributions making the case for public ownership of energy in different national […]


TUED Bulletin 106: French Energy Union FNME-CGT Endorses TUED Call for Public Energy in Texas

In a March 8 Press Release, FNME-CGT — the energy and mining division of French trade union confederation CGT — has republished a TUED briefing paper on the recent power sector crisis in Texas. TUED’s briefing paper argued that the recent catastrophic power sector failures in Texas “serve as a stark warning that unregulated, privatized […]


TUED Bulletin 105: Defending Public Energy, French Energy Unions Build International Support

In recent weeks, French electricity and and gas workers have been striking in defense of the country’s publicly owned energy. These actions have been led by French energy union federations FNME-CGT, CFE-CGC Énergies, FO Energie et Mines and FCE-CFDT. Over the holiday period, 33 union bodies from 20 countries and regions signed a statement of […]


TUED Bulletin 98: “Weaponizing the Numbers”: The Hidden Agenda behind Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform

Sean Sweeney from Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) has written an article titled “‘Weaponizing the Numbers’: The Hidden Agenda behind Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform”. Originally written for the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies’ journal, New Labor Forum, the article unpacks the differences between producer and consumer subsidies, digs into the numbers behind […]


TUED Bulletin 97: Global Forum on Union Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis

On April 3rd, 2020, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) hosted a Global Web Forum on how unions are responding to the evolving global public health, economic and social crises set in motion by the COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 200 participants from 70 unions in 25 countries. Speakers on the call reported from the USA, […]


TUED Global Forum on Union Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis

In light of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 global health crisis, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) will convene a Global Web Forum this Friday, April 3rd, at the following times: 10:00-11:30am New York 3:00-4:30pm London 4:00-5:30pm Paris, Rome, Johannesburg 11:00pm-12:30am, Seoul The call will hear from healthcare and public service unions from the USA, Italy, […]


TUED Working Paper #13: Transition in Trouble? The Rise and Fall of “Community Energy” in Europe

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) has published its thirteenth working paper: Transition in Trouble? The Rise and Fall of “Community Energy” in Europe This working paper aims to help reframe discussions among unions and others fighting for energy democracy on how to cultivate meaningful and broad-based community engagement in the transition to a more […]


TUED Bulletin 95: Australian Bushfires Statement from Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, Asia-Pacific

“Destruction of the Natural World is a Criminal Act” TUED participating unions and allies in the Asia-Pacific region have been actively involved in monitoring and responding to the devastating bushfires in Australia, and have issued a statement. Signed by well over 50 union bodies from 17 countries across the region, the statement is an impressive […]


TUED Annual Report 2019: Defending and Reclaiming Public Energy on the Global Stage

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) has released its 2019 Annual Report: ‘Defending and Reclaiming Public Energy on the Global Stage.’ The report (which can be read here) details the growth of the TUED network with new unions becoming involved from the global South and North. It also highlights working papers developed by TUED, and […]


TUED Conference Report: The Green New Deal, Net-Zero Carbon, and the Crucial Role of Public Ownership

On 28th September 2019, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) hosted union representatives and allies from around the world in New York during “Climate Week” for a one-day international conference on ‘The Green New Deal, Net-Zero Carbon, and The Crucial Role of Public Ownership.‘ The conference was framed around issues and concerns that have emerged […]