
VIDEO: “Unleash the hope!” Jeremy Corbyn & Naomi Klein address trade unionists & allies at COP21

Video by Reel News. (this is an edited video of the event – we hope to make the full length recording available in the near future) On Monday 7th December, over 700 trade unionists and other social movement activists packed out an auditorium in Paris to hear the writer and activist Naomi Klein, UK Labour […]


GLI Network at COP21: Naomi Klein & Jeremy Corbyn discuss solutions to the Climate Crisis & the Role of Trade Unions

Now is Not the Time for Small Steps  Solutions to the Climate Crisis and the Role of Trade Unions A Conversation with Naomi Klein & UK Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is co-hosting a public meeting with Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn for trade unionists and their allies during […]

Plenary Discussion – Unions and Climate Change

Video Blog 8th July, 2015 / Anna Basten / guest blogger A few years ago, climate change was not seen as a trade union issue. This is changing. And it needs to change, for, according to Sean Sweeney (Trade Unions for Energy Democracy), we are facing an energy crisis that will soon become a civilizational […]


Power to the People: Toward Democratic Control of Electricity Generation

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) has published a new working paper, “Power to the People: Toward Democratic Control of Electricity Generation“, which aims to show how “another energy is possible, and absolutely necessary”. The paper, published by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung–New York Office, examines the actual and potential content behind the term energy democracy […]

#ISS14: Unions, Climate Change and the Great Inaction

Speakers: Sean Sweeney / Lara Skinner, GLI New York and Gary Smith, GMB, UK. Date: Wednesday 9th July, 2014.______________________________________________________________________ VideoPresentationSuggested Reading ______________________________________________________________________ Video Presentation Unions, climate change and the great inaction – Sean Sweeney from usilive Suggested Reading Sean Sweeney Sean Sweeney, “Unions and Climate Change and the Great Inaction”, TUED.