
Dan Gallin 90 Years Fund

Dan Gallin, founder of the GLI Geneva, has launched an international solidarity fund in celebration of his 90th Birthday on 26th April.

Happy Birthday to Dan Gallin!

To my friends and comrades,

This year, on April 26, is my 90th birthday. At this age my ability to participate in our movement is limited.  It is hard to express how much I regret it, seeing all the battles the workers in so many countries are fighting today, with an enormous courage risking their life and freedom. I wish I could contribute to these fights to the same extent as in my previous life. But with the current state of my health, I can’t.

Nevertheless, I know I have a lot of comrades, who would wish to celebrate this 90th anniversary with me. And for the first time in my life, I decided I will tell my birthday wish. It is to extend our international solidarity to the frontline workers battles in Hong Kong, Burma, Belarus and Russia. You can help to make this wish true by contributing to Dan Gallin 90 Years Fund.

I will greatly appreciate all donations. Every bit counts and even small donations are symbolically important.

The collected funds will be equally distributed between:

Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions which was just suspended by Chinese authorities with dozens of union leaders under arrest,

All Burma Federation of Trade Unions which is organizing a general strike to stop the sizing power by military junta and mass killings of civil protesters

Belarus Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, which is organizing workers of this European country against state repression and police brutality

Victor Serge Library, part of the GLI Network in Moscow. The later will be used for Russian publication of a Victor Serge novel. “Last Times” is based on real events of WWII. It shows how the establishment of an authoritarian regime takes place, how public consciousness changes, how different people react to it – some adapt, others turn to resistance. The main idea is that in the most difficult circumstances, victory remains with those who do not bend or break.

The collection is open until May 15. All contributors will receive a report from me by the end of May.

Yours in Solidarity,

Dan Gallin


Information to make donations:

Bank: Banque Cantonal de Geneve BCGE
Account holder: GLI

IBAN: CH 2500788000S32098445


Please indicate the purpose as DAN 90

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